Monday, March 5, 2012

How to Improve Your Love Life with the Power of Feng Shui

How to Improve Your Love Life with the Power of Feng Shui Facts About how to improve your love life with the power of feng shui
Feng Shui (fung shway) is defined as the art of creating calm and a home-like environment for you to live in.
Chi is defined as a positive energy and the key element of feng shui to create a smooth flow through your space. When Chi is blocked the energy that flows in your space will become stagnant. Imagine a pond that is full with algae, that is how the energy won’t be able to flow freely. And for this reason the energy and everything that matters of the heart will be low.
And the key to correct whatever is blocking your space isBALANCE to help and invigorate romance.
Here are tips to improve your matters of the heart by improving the Chi or energy of your home.
1. You have to clean up your bedroom.
- Clutter in your bedroom is one factor of having a stagnant Chi. I would advise you to play loud and happy music while doing the cleaning. The music will help to clear out old and stale energy. So shake your groove thing and start cleaning the old heartbreaks and old sadness away to let a NEW beginning in.
2. Do not work out/exercise in the bedroom.
- This may sound silly but according to Feng Shui experts, this is a way for hard work and stress energy to come in. And it will totally destroy and clog your romantic space. I know you don’t want to have a stressful relationship; you have been there and done that with exclamation point. I suggest you move out all your work out instruments somewhere else, so likely your relationship will move in more smoothly.
3. You have to make a room for love
- If you’re single and want to attract a new love to come along, making a room for them will help. This would also help those who are in a relationship and want a closer commitment to their romantic partners. Here is what you do, look inside your closet and cabinet, I need you to free up a 25% to 30% of your space there for someone else’s things to occupy. Then visualize your future or current romantic loves things coming home to those spaces.

4. Fix your doors for love
- Check the front doors of your home, as well as the door to your bed, listen to it, does it squeak? Or does it only open halfway because of some stuff cluttered there? As I said earlier, clutters can and will clog or even leave your space stagnant for great possibilities of new romance, so take away those boxes and put them in a storage room. Now I want you to check your door knob in your bedroom, is it loose? Get your screwdriver and tighten them up.
5. Let there be light
- I need you to get outside of your bedroom. Now open the door and slowly walk inside your bedroom, I want you to imagine that you are a positive energy that is entering your space. Details are important here, so I need you to take note the furniture’s that stops your movement when you pass by them. Rearrange our bedroom so the positive energy (you) can flow freely. Do you have burned-out bulbs in your bedroom, now is the time to replace them, the lighter you have in. It is time to rearrange your bed your bedroom the more chances that the positive energy will flow. So from now on, no more dark corners.
6. It is time to rearrange your bed
- Ideally, position your bed on the opposite side of the room from your door, but make sure that your bed and your door are not directly in line with each other. Do not put your bed against the wall, because likely you romantic partner may feel cornered or confined. Try to give equal space on either side.
7. Love decorations
- Lie down on your bed, take note of the wall that is opposite from the foot of the bed, be sure to put some love decorations there. It maybe a flower or a heart, that is all up to you. When you enter your bed, I need you to take notice of the areas of your room that you see, decorate them as well. If you have a round mirror, that is also good for you, because round signifies unity and completion.

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